Raise possible for the disabled


Springfield, IL (CAPITOL CITY NOW) – Disabled Illinoisans who make a sub-minimum wage in community workshops would eventually make the minimum, if a bill which passed the House Thursday becomes law.

The sponsor of the “Dignity in Pay” Act is State Rep. Theresa Mah (D-Chicago).

“One in four of us has a disability,” Mah said. “People with disabilities are our neighbors, our friends, and those we love. Our brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, mothers and fathers, you and me.”

State Rep. Dan Swanson (R-Alpha) said the bill represents a hardship for employers and would backfire.

“How do these businesses look a parent in the eye,” he said, “and say, I’m sorry, but your family member is no longer employed here.”

HB 793 has passed the House, 78-30, and goes to the Senate.

The post Raise possible for the disabled first appeared on Capitol City Now.

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May 24, 2024 at 04:56AM

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